February 14 2025
Dear all – and happy St. Valentine’s Day –
For the last few weeks, I’ve been looking for ways to deal with the extraordinary situation in the United States that we find ourselves in: deliberate chaos, created by a group of people acting like kids in a tantrum, determined to break everything in sight. As writers, as artists, what do we do that can make a difference?
I’m teaching a class based on “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, as I have done yearly for a couple of decades now, and never has it seemed more timely. I meet with five women on Monday nights and we commit ourselves for the duration to pursuing our creative endeavors, while at the same time navigating this new and challenging terrain. All funding for the arts in Florida has been stopped by the former Governor, Ron de Santis, and yet in the galleries and bookshops on this island, never have the exhibitions and readings seemed more vital. The exhibition at the Studios of Key West this week by the Cuban artist Mabel Poblet is breathtaking; I pass it on my way to class and go in to get a dose of her inspiration in glittering blue. I read my regulars online – Rebecca Solnit, Jessica Craven, Heather Cox Richardson, Timothy Snyder, Dan Rather – and draw both comfort and ideas from them. It’s like having a bunch of invisible friends.
I bought Pico Iyer’s new book, “Aflame” this week, knowing it would be a keeper. He is an old friend, from earlier days at the Key West Literary Seminar, and we have corresponded since. He writes of losing everything in his mother’s house in California when it burned to the ground some years ago, of how he first visited the monastery at Big Sur, when he had nowhere to go; of how the nourishment of silence claimed him, one of the chattiest people on the planet, and how it changed his life. Now, he’s changing mine, from the inside, out. We depend on each other, on our words, on our shared experiences, on our togetherness in this world. In isolation and silence, Pico writes, we learn how to be close to others and be real and useful in society. And you can find silence anywhere, because it’s inside you – even in a noisy place like Key West where the planes, sirens, traffic and power tools can sometimes seem to be combining to drive us out of our minds.
I am in a silent place in my studio and in my mind as I write this. I’m following one of the writer Zadie Smith’s ten rules about writing: use your computer where there is no internet access. That way, you can keep the temptation of noise away. I’ve come in through what I think of as a portal, guarded by two stalwart gumbo limbo trees. I’ve entered the room that is mine alone, the space that awaited me; it makes a difference. A plane goes over, low – and yet it is outside me, outside this mental space I create once I close the door and sit down at my desk, guarded by the two trees whose branches interlace against the cerulean blue of today’s sky.
And thinking of silence, longing sometimes for peaceful places, ancient places outside of today’s turmoil, I realize how much I want to be in northern Spain again, at the Flores del Camino Retreat Centre, where last year I led a writer’s retreat. This year, in June, we will assemble there again, tap into the beauty and silence, experience the peace and antiquity of the place, coming together to write from its center and from our centers, connecting ourselves forever with this very special place. I hope that some of you may join me there, with Basia and Bertrand, our much-appreciated hosts.
Meanwhile – it’s Valentine’s Day, and I’m invited to a dance party on the beach. So, dance on, and as Emma Goldman is reported to have said, “If I can’t dance, I don’t want your revolution.”
Affectionately, Ros
To learn more about our writing retreat this summer, visit the website here … www.floresdelcamino.com
“Designed for writers of all levels—this retreat weaves together inspiring themes, immersive visits to sacred sites, reflective writing exercises and ample time for writing to discover your unique response to the power of place. Guided by experienced facilitators, you’ll engage deeply with the land, immersing yourself in ancient petroglyphs, dolmens and ancient chapels, all set against a backdrop of stunning vistas of serene beauty. These encounters with the Camino’s natural and historical richness will ground and inspire your creative process, fostering a deeper connection to the stories of the land and the stories within you.” - Flores del Camino Retreat Centre, Spain